St. Patrick’ Day Family Picnic

The SIBN looks forward to welcoming members and their families to join us for a family picnic in the Sierra Guadarrama in celebration of this year’s St. Patrick’s Day. Bring your family and friends and celebrate the Irish connection without the leprechauns.

Registrations through the SIBN app

Nos complace invitar a nuestr@s soci@s para celebrar con nosotros el día San Patricio en el norte de la Comunidad de Madrid. Lleva a tus familiares a nuestro picnic y disfruta de una tarde de celebraciones y actividades musicales y deportivas.

Sunday, 17th March 2019

12:00 – 16:00

Área Recreativa de la Cabilda

Camino del Cementerio

Hoyo de Manzanares


Bring your own:

  • Food and drinks

  • Hurleys, Sliothars, Balls, etc.

  • Tin whistles, fiddles, etc.